How to Teach Your Toddler to Use Sign Language
A systematic approach from a pediatric speech-language pathologist on how to teach your toddler to sign to request.
How to Teach Your Child to Talk using Play Doh
Tips from a pediatric speech language pathologist on how to help your child learn new sounds, words, and concepts using play doh!
A Parent’s Guide to Speech Therapy for Children
A parent's guide on how to find a speech therapist who is the right fit for your child. This post also includes where to look, what questions to ask, and what to expect.
5 Quick Tips to Help Your Baby Talk
5 Quick tips from a speech language pathologist to help your child learn early developmental milestones to talk.
How to Help your Toddler to Follow Directions - First/Then
A quick and effective tip on how to help your toddler listen to directions throughout the day.
An Entire Speech-Language Therapy Session Using a Pencil
How to use a common object to teach multiple concepts.
How to Ask for Snacks Without Words
A quick strategy on how to help your child ask for snacks if they are not yet using words.
How to Get Your Child to Talk About Their Day at School
Do you struggle with how to get your child to tell you about their day? Try these strategies to help them tell you about their day.
Top Toys for 2-Year-Olds 2022
As a speech therapist, these are the top toys I'd suggest for two-year-olds to facilitate speech while having fun.
One of the Best Speech Therapy Activities for Toddlers
Read more about one of my favorite speech therapy activities for toddlers.
How to Create a Successful Speech Therapy Session at Home
Tips and strategies on how to help create a less stressful, and more successful at-home speech therapy session for your child.
How to use Mr. Potato Head in Speech Therapy for Kids
Mr. Potato Head is a versatile, fun toy that children of all ages can enjoy. It’s a toy that can be used to teach speech, language, cognition, fine motor, and gross motor. As the child grows, Mr. Potato head can be used for more elaborate pretend play.
How to teach your child to talk using bubbles
Using bubbles to teach your child to talk requires some strategy. Rather than simply handing your child the container of bubbles, you need to take control of the situation. In fact, you need to sabotage the situation.
What not to do when teaching your child how to talk
When we teach language to a child, we do just that, teach. Learn how to teach your child to talk while keeping their spirits high.